[ROVERNET - UK] Chinese plant rolls out first MG

Glen Wilson rovercar at comcast.net
Tue Mar 27 08:02:16 BST 2007


Chinese plant rolls out first MG
*The first Chinese-built MG sports cars have rolled off the production 
line in the eastern city of Nanjing. *

The manufacturer, state-owned Nanjing Automobile, bought the assets of 
collapsed UK car firm Rover in 2005.

It plans to produce 200,000 new cars every year and hopes to sell the 
vehicles around the world.

But many are likely to be sold to the booming domestic market, with 
demand for luxury vehicles soaring amongst the country's wealthy elite.

In six short months the Chinese have built a massive new factory and 
installed the robots and assembly lines they bought from the collapsed 
Rover, reports the BBC's Quentin Sommerville in Nanjing.

And it was with music from the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra and 
against a video wall showing shots of Tower Bridge and Buckingham Palace 
that Nanjing Auto launched its two new models.

These are the MG7 saloon and the MG-TF sports car which, General Manager 
Zhang Xin told Reuters news agency, would be priced at between 180,000 
and 400,000 yuan ($23,300 - $51,700; £11,800 - £26,300).

The cars have not changed much, right down to the Union flag, which is 
still displayed proudly on their bodywork.

The company wants to sell the cars not just in China but around the world.

But with the Chinese car market growing by 10 million new cars every 
year, Nanjing Auto will likely be selling most of its MGs in showrooms 
closer to home, our correspondent adds.

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